Possibly that you have your form, use yours. Carefully package the goods that you want to return to protect them from damage and return them together with the forms within the stated deadline to the address: Ketom Impex s.r.o., Kruhouvá 239/5, Ústí nad Labem, 40001, Czech Republic.
Such a shipment cannot be cash on delivery, we return the money to the indicated bank account, with the understanding that if the goods were paid for by card, we return directly to the card from which it was paid. Goods sent on cash on delivery cannot be accepted and thus such a return of the shipment cannot be considered as delivered within the specified period.
You can only return those products that do not suit you. So you don't have to return all products.
If you don't want to return the money, you can choose another product. So write us a message.